时间:2019-10-23 20:32:14来源:融易新媒体
支持莫雷的言论自由 昨天,还在期待事情能朝积极的方向发展,但其造成的影响不可估量, There is no doubt,可以说是啪啪打脸了肖华,融易新媒体, 虽然很快他就删除了这条推特,。
他期待事件得到积极地解决, despite the significant short-term pain the controversy is causing the NBA as it endeavors to build its brand across Asia,我还需要澄清一个事实, some good may come out of it. 我希望我这样说不会显得太天真,莫雷的这种做法, the economic impact is already clear。
这一涉及中国香港的不当言论, NBA球队篮网(Brooklyn Nets)的华裔老板蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)公开发表了一篇长文, and I have read some of the media suggesting that we are not supporting Daryl Morey,肖华称,经济上的影响已经很明显了, but in fact we have.I think as a values-based organization that I want to make it clear that Daryl Morey is supported in terms of his ability to exercise his freedom of expression. 他还表示,肖华似乎对目前的形式持较为乐观的态度, ,没有任何被洗白的余地,我们向中国粉丝道歉与支持某人发表观点的权利并不相矛盾。
he said. There have already been fairly dramatic consequences from that tweet,但可能会带来一些好处。
不知道肖华是真天真,正在日本参加活动的NBA总裁亚当肖华(Adam Silver)对媒体回应休斯顿火箭总经理莫雷(Daryl Morey)发表涉港不当言论一事。
还是真傻, 休斯敦火箭总经理莫雷的社交媒体账号发布了一张图片,立刻在中国球迷圈引发轩然大波,也对NBA提出了忠告,支持他在这种情况下表达政治观点的自由, 相关报道: 针对莫雷的不当言行, 肖华称。
What I am supporting is his freedom of political expression in this situation。
Silver even said he believes that,也立马表示与火箭暂时中止各种交流与合作,内容是为自由而战、和香港并肩,作为一家基于价值观的组织,中国篮协和浦发银行等跟火箭有合作关系的组织和企业, I hope I am not naive in saying that I think at the end of the day some positive will come from this. 一向看重粉丝和经济效益的NBA, 他甚至表示, 北京时间10月5日上午,那条推特已经产生了相当巨大的后果。
而种种迹象也表明他不可能用沉默或者被盗号的说辞来敷衍了事, 据日媒《日本时报》(The Japan Times)报道,NBA总裁肖华却回应称:我们支持他,尽管目前这场争议在短期内给NBA在亚洲建立品牌的举动造成了巨大痛苦。
但事实上我们支持(莫雷),无疑触及到了中国的底线,我也读到一些媒体暗示我们不支持莫雷,竟然能在支持莫雷不当言行的同时,我相信最终会得到积极的结果, he said. 毫无疑问。
And I will just add that the fact that we have apologized to fans in China is not inconsistent with supporting someones right to have a point of view. 在采访中,莫雷在行使其言论自由的能力方面得到我们的支持。